COVID-19 Risk Mitigation - As of 9/8/21

Tue, Aug 10, 2021, 11:18 PM
NSW Rugby
by NSW Rugby

Thank you for your cooperation and obeyance with the Public Health Orders as they relate to Community Sport. Unfortunately, the “Stay at Home” orders have been extended to include the Armidale and Tamworth Local Government Areas as well as several LGAs in the Far North Coast Zone. NSWRU will continue to work with our affiliates who will in turn communicate with their members as to how this latest decision impacts their competition.

+ Greater Sydney incl. the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour (until 28 August)

+ Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock, Dungog, Singleton and Muswellbrook LGA (until 13 August)

+ Armidale LGA (until 15 August)

+ Tamworth LGA (until 17 August)

+ Byron Shire, Richmond Valley, Lismore and Ballina LGA (until 17 August)

  • No Rugby Union can take place whether training or matches
  • For clarity this means no club or organised training and no gym sessions.
  • Exercising is limited to two people at a time (excluding members of the same household who may exercise together). Furthermore, you can only exercise within your local government area, or within 10km from where you live, clubs should NOT be conducting organised training sessions under the guise of exercise.
  • NSWRU will not be sanctioning or approving any third-party camps or events.


Areas of NSW outside of those listed above

  • Rugby Union can continue (both training and matches).
  • Individuals that have been in Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour, for any reason since Monday 21 June, must follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after they were last in Greater Sydney.
  • - Individuals that have been in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens, Cessnock, Dungog, Singleton and Muswellbrook LGAs for any reason since 31 July, must follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after they were last there.

- Individuals that have been in the Armidale LGA for any reason since 29 July, must follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after they were last there.

- Individuals that have been in the Tamworth LGA for any reason since 5 August, must follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after they were last there.

- Individuals that have been in the Byron Shire, Richmond Valley, Lismore and Ballina LGA for any reason since 31 July, must follow the stay at home rules and must continue to follow them for 14 days after they were last there.
This may mean that some players and officials will be unable to attend training or play matches if they live or have visited these areas and play in another Zone. If this restriction means that your club cannot safely continue to play matches please contact your Competition Administrator or Zone ASAP.

  • Some Zones/Competitions may require a declaration from a team/club to confirm that all their players and officials are complaint with the above restrictions.
  • Clubs must have and abide by their COVID Safety Plans at training and matches. Subject to these plans, BBQs and Canteens are permitted.
  • Please use QR Codes at grounds and encourage and remind people to register during your event.
  • Masks must be worn by spectators, officials and players (over the age of 12) at all times to training and matches unless they are warming up or playing in the game.
  • All venues are limited to 1 person per 4sqm both indoors and outdoors at all times. This includes clubhouses and changerooms.
  • Where possible, it is recommended to minimize spectators.

A complete list of FAQs and additional information to navigate these current restrictions are located at the Office of Sport website.

There is likely to be some type of gradual easing of restrictions and a return to community sport post 28 August. We will communicate how this impacts rugby and the appropriate return to play and train protocols in due course.

We commit to continue working with the NSW Health, the Office of Sport and our Affiliates to provide a safe and positive environment for all participants. We thank you for your continued support.

Please encourage everyone to keep monitoring the NSW Heath website for updates.

Paul Doorn
Chief Executive Officer
