Rugby For Good Announces Landmark Collaboration with Stand Tall Australia

Tue, May 28, 2024, 6:47 AM
NSW Rugby
by NSW Rugby

In a significant move to enhance the health and wellbeing of young Australians, the NSW Positive Rugby Foundation has announced a new collaboration with Stand Tall Australia.

This venture aims to address critical issues such as youth suicide, mental ill health, and substance abuse by planning, designing, and implementing initiatives that foster resilience and wellbeing in communities.

The joint efforts will leverage the strengths and expertise of both organisations to create proactive responses to these pressing challenges.

By combining the outreach and influence of the Positive Rugby Foundation’s Rugby For Good programs with Stand Tall Australia’s extensive experience in youth mental health, the collaboration promises to make a substantial impact on the lives of young Australians.

Ttrship will be the Stand Tall Sydney event on Thursday, June 6th. This inspirational event for secondary students brings a host of speakers together in one room to arm students with the skills of resilience, the strength to stand up to bullying, the keys to motivation, the power of perspective and the benefits of making good and wise decisions.

This event marks the beginning of a series of collaborative efforts where both organisations will support each other, demonstrating their commitment to improving youth mental health and wellbeing.

Nick Farr-Jones, Chairman of Stand Tall Australia and former World Cup-winning Wallaby Captain, expressed his admiration for the Positive Rugby Foundation's approach:

"I am impressed with how the NSW Positive Rugby Foundation, through their Rugy For Good programs, uses rugby as a vehicle to address social need.

Stand Tall and the NSW Positive Rugby Foundation share a common goal of fostering resilience and promoting positive mental health among young Australians.

Our relationship is built on these shared values, and I am confident that by working together, we can develop initiatives that truly resonate with and support our youth."

Joey de Dassel, NSW Rugby Union's Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager, emphasised the importance of this announcement

"Our collaboration with Stand Tall Australia marks an important step in our mission to support the health and wellbeing of young Australians.

Working together, we can amplify our efforts and reach more individuals who need our support.

Our Rugby For Good programs will greatly benefit from the credibility and expertise that Stand Tall brings, ensuring we can make a real, lasting difference in our communities."

This collaboration represents a commitment to proactive and preventative measures in tackling youth mental health issues.

Through combined resources and shared vision, the NSW Positive Rugby Foundation and Stand Tall Australia are poised to create a healthier, more resilient future for young Australians.
