Sports Safety Plan
The NSW Government has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help you create and maintain a safe environment for you, your workers, volunteers and your visitors.
Club & coaches' return to training/play plan
Coordinated ‘Return to train and play’ recommendations and protocols for all clubs and schools that are respectful of current community needs for social distancing and hygiene management and protect the health and safety of our Rugby Community.
Clubs & Facilities Checklist
This checklist will assist Clubs and their members in preparation for returning to play following COVID-19 restrictions. Clubs should use this in conjunction with Government advice.
Return to train and play for 7s Rugby
Your guide to how to safely return to Sevens Rugby whether its to train or to play. This document contains the schedule for return to play, an essential checklist as well as coaching resources.
Return to train and play for XVs Rugby
Your guide to how to safely return to XV Rugby whether its to train or to play. This document contains the schedule for return to play, an essential checklist as well as coaching resources.